1. BRUH U R VERY DUMB U COULD HAVE GOTTEN A QUEST 3 WITH THAT KIND OF MONEY…Sorry for calling u dumb,im just saying ur not being smart with ur money….Btw can i get a quest 3

  2. That’s because sonos are trying to cater to a specific target audience that love audio, we’re as Sony wants EVERYONE to buy and enjoy there product so the sound profiles are very, very different

  3. His mom: comes over
    Also his mom: ayoo why u have 34 pairs of headphones 20 laptops 30 gaming mice and 13 microphones …….?.?

  4. You spoke the only truth I was looking for, man. And that’s the sound quality. I would say the designers did a perfect job because the look of the headphones is the best from my viewpoint. But if the sound quality is not up to the standard of being among the best, paying $450 USD would be a waste of cash, for real.

  5. so instead of the xm6s releasing these released? when are the xm6s coming out because i’m so confused and I don’t know wether or not to just buy the 5s

  6. Why do companies keep doing the thin connecting part it’s so ugly 😭 apple is the only one who did it well

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